Camp Rules

The camping arrangements and rules outlined on this page ensure the safety and comfort of everyone on site, and also help us take care of this special, organic property.

Watch the video below and take a quick read through the do’s and don’ts of Bashville!

Aircraft & Drones

Licensed drones and a helicopter will be operating during the festival. No other aircraft or drones are allowed over the festival or surrounding property for safety reasons.

BYO Alcohol

Alcohol is permitted in cans, casks or plastic bottles but NOT IN GLASS. Glass is prohibited in the Plaza and Concert Area, and must be kept at your campsite.

It’s a concert not a booze up, so please drink responsibly! Anyone who is intoxicated and causing a nuisance will be removed from the venue.

Bashville Quiet Time

Quiet time in the campground kicks in at 10:30pm. Please keep the noise down. Quiet campfire chat is fine, but turn off the music. Respect one another and enjoy the desert!

Blackwater / Toilet Cassettes

You must take ALL your black water (including toilet cassettes and any poo/wee in buckets or containers) back to the dump points near Birdsville. There is no black water disposal anywhere at the Big Red Bash site. Do not put black water in the grey water disposal tanks or in the composting toilets.


Camp fires are permitted. Bring your own firewood supply as collection of firewood on the surrounding private property is prohibited. A limited supply of firewood is sold on site. Pre-orders are now open!

Fires must be kept to a reasonable size for safety purposes (i.e., no bonfires), and must be put out with water (not buried in the sand). Campfires are permitted directly on the ground or in a fire pit. Ash from campfires can be left on the ground when you depart the festival, please ensure there is no rubbish left behind. 

e-bikes and e-scooters

E-bikes and e-scooters are permitted at the Big Red Bash (excluding the concert area). An e-bike must have pedals – unregistered motorbikes, petrol scooters and quad bikes are prohibited.

We do not recommend using scooters or bikes at the Big Red Bash due to the soft sandy ground surface, if you have sand tyres these will work best.

A 10km/h speed limit is strictly enforced throughout the event site, and riders must use the dedicated bike parking area located near the concert area gates. There’s no public facility to charge these e-devices on site, so you’ll need to use your own generator (permitted to run between 8am – 8pm). 


Firearms are not permitted at the Bash.

Fire Separation

To prevent the risk of a fire spreading, you must place all structures, generators and fires at least 1 metre from the marked back and side boundaries of your campsite, and guy ropes can protrude another 40cm. Marshals will enforce this rule.

If you are camping as a group you can join two or more adjacent campsites and use the internal area however you wish, however you must leave space between your cooking areas and other structures, and you must place all structures at least 1 metre from the outer boundaries of the “joined” site.


Fireworks are prohibited at the Bashville campsite. They cause alarm and can send dogs bolting across the campground and into the desert. If you see someone setting up fireworks, please inform an event official or volunteer straight away. If anyone is found in possession of, or setting of fireworks, they will be evicted from the event.


Generators are permitted at the Bash but can only run between the hours of 8am and 8pm. If you need to run medical equipment overnight please ensure it runs off a battery that can be charged during the day.


Bashville campground is a glass-free site. Absolutely no glass in Plaza, Concert Area, any other public areas or around the campsite.

Glass is allowed inside your camp kitchen only.


Bashville is held on an organic cattle property. You must catch all greywater (eg. dish water) and take it back to dump points in town. We can also accept a limited amount of excess greywater on site. Please take it to the large collection tanks at each toilet block. It’s a good idea to bring a container to avoid spills while carrying it from camp. Please note STRICTLY NO BLACKWATER DISPOSAL ON SITE. This includes urine and sewage from caravan chamber pots. Take ALL BLACKWATER to a dump point on your journey home.

In Case of Emergency

In Bashville, you can get help to your location (medical or security) by using CB CHANNEL 5 on your car or handheld CB radio. CB radio channel 5 will be monitored 24/7 while patrons are on site. Please help us keep CB5 free: use it ONLY in an emergency.

Lighting / Torches

We strongly recommend that you bring a head torch or similar to the concert so you can find your way back to camp. The concert and main plaza areas have lighting, however the general campsite and Day Parking areas will not.

No Vehicle Movements in the Campsite

Vehicles in the campground must stay parked and stationary at all times, until roll out begins 7am Friday 5th July.

See Camping at Bashville for more details on entry & exit from the campground.


Unauthorised sales of products or services in Bashville are prohibited. This includes sales of ice, firewood, alcohol, internet or Big Red Bash branded merchandise.

Prohibited Items


  • Drones & UAV’s
  • Kites
  • Chainsaws/Power tools
  • Weapons (including firearms and whips)
  • Fireworks
  • Unregistered vehicles


There will be bag checks as you enter the concert area and prohibited items will be confiscated. Organisers will not take responsibility for confiscated items. Prohibited items are:

  • Glass
  • Animals (dogs are allowed – see the dog friendly rules)
  • Metal cutlery (including cheese knives)
  • Umbrellas
  • Tables, sunshades, tents or anything that will obstruct views of the stage
  • Aerosols
  • Folding chairs taller than 110cm when seated


Aluminium cans and PET plastic recycling bins will be available in the Plaza, Concert Area and campground toilet blocks. Please collect your cans and PET bottles, drop them in the separate recycling bins and help us run a sustainable event!


Bins are provided in the Plaza and Concert area for use by pedestrians. If you are camping on site, you must take all your campsite rubbish with you and dispose of it at the Birdsville tip, located on the road back to town, after the event.

Please ensure that you take all your rubbish with you. Prior crowds have been amazing and left their campsites perfectly clean!


There are no showers at the Bashville campsite. We recommend wet wipes or similar to keep clean and fresh during the event. If you plan to use your own camp shower, please see the greywater policy above.

Showers are available in Birdsville at the caravan park (park patrons only) or opposite the Sports Hall for a small fee, so if you think you’ll need a shower during the event you could plan a trip to town on the shuttle bus or in your own vehicle (if parked in Day Parking).


There is no smoking/vaping within 10m of the concert area. Please keep and dispose of your own butts!


You will find blocks of our hygienic, odourless, composting toilets and hand sanitiser in the campground and around the Plaza and Concert Area. These will be serviced regularly.

Only poo, wee and toilet paper should go into the toilets: chemicals and inorganic matter muck up the composting process! Please follow instructions on the signs and use the bins provided for female sanitary items.

Please use the provided hand sanitiser both before and after you use the toilet facilities.

Unregistered Vehicles

Unregistered motorbikes, buggies or other vehicles are not to be used on the concert venue or surrounding property. The concert is on private land and Queensland Police and security will be in attendance.

More Information

If you have a dog, please see the Dog Attendance Rules.

If you have a disability, please see Patrons with a Disability.

To see what facilities we will provide in the campground, see Facilities.

For more information about roll in, roll out & vehicle movements see Camping at Bashville.


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